I get this a lot and first of all, thank you so much for having interest in what I’m sharing.

I started this journey into the world of RVing just about 10 months ago when I pulled the trigger and picked up my very first ride.

Less than 6 months later, I had already upgraded to my “New-2-Me-RVJEDEYE Mobile” which I’m in the middle of renovating.

So again, “thanks” to everyone who’s stopped in and checked out what’s been going on.

When it comes to all of the renos, I’m documenting everything on YouTube and I post new episodes every other Monday. So the next NEW video is scheduled for Monday, May 15th… the next after that, Monday May 29th and you get the idea.So to help get you ready for next week, make sure you check out the last episode on what to do with your hinges & hardware. 

And then on Monday, it’s back to painting and a big episode, three weeks in one!